Asylum bondage, straitjacket, sexy nurse, muscular woman

Head nurse Michelle didnt stop exposing Ashley's mind (and body) to various sets of therapies. Nobody knew if they really helped to "cure“ Ashley, but she had little chance to object to such treatment anyway. After 30 endless days, as nurse Michelle had promised, Ashley was finaly allowed to leave the walls of asylum. Unfourtunatly for her, she wouldn't be leaving without an unwanted gift from Head Nurse Michelle! Find out more in our latest comics...

Our adult black and white (yeah, old school style :)) bondage comics contain 44 pages (full panel) + 1 cover + alternative cover in 2709 x 4096 pix (4k resolution). Featuring: bondage, straitjacket, medical restraints, domination, submission, did, fitness model...

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Fitness yoga model Ashley finally leaving Asylum... together with sadistic lesbian head nurse Michelle.

fitness bondage model

Art Dracowhip

Alt Cover Srasomeone

Corrections Red´s ABDL CREATIONS

You can download previous bondage comics here.

All characters are ADULT´s. This website contains entirely fictional work based on cartoon characters for adult entertainment. It shows no real people or events. The characters are shown participating in CONSENSUAL role-play for their own personal satisfaction, simulating activities which involve sexual dominance and submission. No toons were harmed in the making of these comics.

Publication date: 3.26.2021